I’ve been thinking about it and of all the Suwabe songs I know, I think this one is the closest to qualifying as a a sort of provisional Victor character song. By which I mean mainly going by the lyrics, not necessarily the sound of his voice here (since I think it’s lower than his Victor voice).

I mean, just think about it:

“(…)Boring days of the past
I long for (Shining days)
The whole world reflecting in my eyes
There was no light, just silence
I knew I had to cover my weakness with my own hands

Hit me hit me throw away everything
Give me give me a dance tonight
Hearts draw closer just barely close enough
Shout as loud as you can for FREEDOM
Hit me hit me with overlapping emotions
Give me give me it boldly and selfishly
This empty heart
Will fill up with your love
Let’s get naked and give me true love

You’re the only person I can show my weakness to
When it turns into strength
I want you to see it… I want you to feel it
Time spent accumulating
(I will never forget)
Years were not just full of loneliness
A story of love blooms into history

Hit me hit me with your heart as it is
Give me give me surrender to the sound
It shines and fades into twilight
To a future full of memories
The distance between you and me
Can still be reduced
Can I relish it? Give me true love.(…)”

Sounds like a song for Yuuri, doesn’t it?

I don’t know if Yoi will ever get character songs but I think this one works as a stand-in for now. What do you guys think?

(Translated lyrics are a courtesy of llamalike, and partly me, since I fixed some things that I thought sounded better with different wording)

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