The visual for Yuri on Museum was revealed and boyyy.

Am I the only one seeing Victor and Yuuri organizing a housewarming party for all their GPF friends when they finally settle down in St. Petersburg here?

And everything’s so perfect too:

  • Actual fiances Victor and Yuuri (complete with rings)? Check.
  • Chris already having 2 (or 3, or 4…) buttons undone upon entrance? Check.
  • JJ being pushed to the back of the photo and literally doing a split in the air to get the attention he needs to stay alive? Check.
  • Yurio reluctantly having to squat because he’s the shortest and Otabek joining him like the good (short) friend he is? Check.
  • Champagne (for everyone above the age of 20)? Check.

I feel so spoiled by the yoi staff, this official art as well, is 10/10.

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