Yuri on Ice – (Not So) Subtle Differences Between the TV and BluRay/DVD Versions – Episode 9, Part 4 (Part 1) (Part 2)

(Part 3) (Part 5)
(Part 6)

(Part 7)

(Episode 5 comparison)
(Episode 6 comparison)
(Episode 7 comparison) (Ep 7 skating animation changes)
(Episode 8 comparison) (Ep 8 skating animation changes)

The TV version is the one in the left column, while the BluRay/DVD
version is the right one. (In my screenshots, the TV version has the
little toolbar at the bottom.)

Again, we can see significant changes:

  1. Yurio is redrawn and his expressions now convey clearer emotions (and are just neater).
  2. Same as above.
  3. Same as above.
  4. Yakov’s facepalm is entirely reanimated (and much more intense).
  5. JJ is redrawn and Yurio actually turns after JJ whistles.

Stay tuned for more subtle (and the less subtle) differences!

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