Yuri on Ice – (Not So) Subtle Differences Between the TV and BluRay/DVD Versions – Episode 8, Part 3 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4)
(Part 5
(Part 6)

(Episode 5 comparison)
(Episode 6 comparison)
(Episode 7 comparison) (Ep 7 skating animation changes)

The TV version is the one in the left column, while the BluRay/DVD
version is the right one. (In my screenshots, the TV version has the
little toolbar at the bottom.)

This time, the changes are on the subtle side again:

  1. All characters in that shot are on model.
  2. Yuuri is entirely redrawn with his eyes closed, larger pecs, and other minor details changed.
  3. The lines are softer in this shot, the edges are blurred, Victor’s lips and nose are changed and his hair is slightly altered.
  4. The shape of Victor’s face, ears, eyes and nose is slightly different, he seems to be looking in a different direction and his eyes are sparkling (though you can’t see it in a still image).
  5. Yuuri’s blush when he sees Yurio is toned down (just like most other blushes in the DVD version).

Stay tuned for more subtle (and the less subtle) differences!

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